Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine which involves the insertion of tiny needles into the body at key points, known as acupuncture points.
Acupuncture has been found to be helpful in treating the symptoms of the following conditions;
For Your Mind
Reduce feelings of stress and anxiety
Helps relieve depression
Help relieve symptoms of PTSD
Help with insomnia and sleep disorders
Calming effect for migraine & headache symptoms
Stimulate blood circulation to improve cognitive development
Improved sense of wellbeing
Helps to treat brain and nerve related injuries
For Your Body
Helps to significantly relieve pain
Helps treat neurological and musculo-skeletal conditions
Effectively treat back pain and sciatica
Helps to regulate and balance hormone levels
Encourage physical recovery post-surgery
Can help treat adverse reactions to radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Greater mobility throughout the body
Increase fertility
Helps treat allergies
How it Works
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine which involves the insertion of tiny needles into the body at key points, known as acupuncture points.
This stimulates sensory nerves under the skin and muscles, resulting in the release of feel-good endorphins. It may induce sensations of relaxation, calmness and relief from pain and tension.
Traditional acupuncture therapists who base their practice on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), believe that the therapy helps to restore energy throughout the body, which in turn can help to restore health and wellbeing.
Treatment Time: The length of the session really depends on how much treatment you need at the time and your therapist will assess this session. Times can vary between 45-60 minutes.
Note: As with all therapies the effectiveness of this treatment is likely to be different for everyone and it is suggested that you carry out your own research into the benefits offered. Our Resources page offers a number of links to studies and research for your information and review.